Has India lost the momentum for reaching her goal of becoming a super power in this millennium? With a holistic turnaround required to reverse India’s fortunes, what according to you will be a credible roadmap for India to realize her goals?

Well, I feel India should focus on growth so that every Indian benefits. There is no point being a Super Power if the average Indian does not benefit.

A strong and resilient economy will automatically make it a super power.

With the economy slowing what has been the impact on your industry and outline your company’s journey of staying resilient through change?

Fortunately, there has not been too much of an impact, though projects/orders take a little additional time to close.

Our philosophy has always been to provide the product as a solution to problem. We focus on developing latent markets, either new application niches, and expand our geographical reach.

I believe innovation, in ideas as well as technologies is the key. Another focus is honing of all our resources, including human resources for better productivity

Give us a brief on your product range and quality control measures adopted by your company. Is this slowdown in anyway affecting your plans of any new product launch?

The core manufacturing strengths of the member companies of the Pahwa Group is ‘Air engineering’ and ‘Environmental Control Technologies’.

The two flagship companies in the group are “Bry-Air Asia” and “DRI” (Desiccant Rotors International).

Bry-Air is a global solution provider for complete environmental control with a specialization in humidity control, drying, storage, preservation, gas phase filtration and resin drying, conveying and blending supported by state of the art facilities, worldwide operations and customers in almost every industry.

DRI is a global provider of components, products and systems for energy recovery, IAQ, ventilation, humidity control, evaporative cooling and humidification and is active participant in Green Building movement worldwide.

Apart from these, “Delair” another group company is a leader in Compressed Air Management. We also provide short term humidity control solutions through rental of Dehumidifiers through another group company “Technical Drying Services” (TDS).

How are the climate changes affecting Indian Industry and India’s economy?

The potential for Environment friendly green technologies which promote sustainability are increasing. So there is huge opportunity as well as scope for saving our environment.

The impact of global warming and climate change are inevitable. India needs to change this challenge to an opportunity by encouraging new sustainable technologies and make best of the international funding available.

Technology will be the force that will drive India’s growth turnaround. Elaborate on the emphasis your company places on R & D and inform us of some innovations, recognitions and awards that has shaped the success of your company.

At Pahwa Enterprises, innovation both in technology as well as business processes has been the driver behind our growth.

We have filed 7 patents in last three years for energysmart technologies. One (1) patent application for Gas Phase Filtration technology was filed earlier this year. We have also promoted and acquired in Switzerland a innovative technology for non contact moisture measurement “A patent an year” is what we are aiming at.

When the company was set up, 30 years ago, we ventured into technologies and markets where no Indian companies had ventured, especially in the small scale sector. We have adopted many business processes which were ahead of times, did stretch our abilities but gave us edge ahead.

We have also set up three state-of-the art test labs.

Recognition has come to us in from various Awards, acceptance of products internationally including discerning markets as Japan, N. America and Europe

Details are available on website(s)  www.bryir.com and www.drirotors.com.

India’s energy problems loom really large now, But in every crises lies an opportunity and on a positive note what lessons can India learn from this crises and come out of this a winner.

As I mentioned earlier, we need to promote technologies and products which saves energy and promotes sustainability. So the opportunities are huge. When we introduced Energy Recovery systems, which recovered energy  from Air-conditioning exhaust and thus cut down in on Aircon tonnage, in the early 90s, we needed to educate the market for years. Now, every large project, especially green buildings,  incorporate Energy Recovery Systems.

Banking on infrastructure should be India’s new mantra for success today. Has the Indian government disappointed on its commitment to create a conducive infrastructure environment to fuel investments? How has this impacted your business in the state you operate from?

Needless to say that infrastructure is the backbone of growth. It smoothens the road to development.

India has taken huge strides in the development of infrastructure in the last 5 years but the pace has now slowed down.

What will be your wish list to the policy makers of India, which will directly aid your business fortunes?

Ensure that the support system of growth is maintained, i.e. Investment friendly policies, rationalized taxation system, stable currency and of course infrastructure  development. All this needs to happen quickly.

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