Deepak Pahwa, Managing Director, Bry-Air | EM | March 2022
The manufacturing industry is at the forefront of the meta verse evolution, and it is making the landscape future-ready through innovation. It is striving to render flexible manufacturing by harnessing the benefits of state-of-the-art digital technologies that are aimed at enhancing the virtual world applicability. Manufacturers are intensively working to build the infrastructure for digital investment, IT/ data centres & supply chain with the help of advanced technologies. They are heavily investing in robotics backed with AI & IoT, in order to bring about the right confluence of the real and digital world that will make the process more dexible and also help in decision-making within a factory environment. The meta verse transformation will initiate various progressive alterations at the operational front.
It will play a revolutionary role in championing easy-to-use and highly accessible product configurations. By helping with the sharing of the configuration with customers via a visual platform, it will contribute to a self-interactive customer interface that will enable quick decision-making in real-time. Additionally, the meta verse will play an instrumental role in strengthening the training and service experience by supporting the workforce & customers. It will enable smoother commissioning and a faster response time, enhancing worker efficiency & customer experience.
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