Latest From Bry-Air

Clean and odourless air is a hygiene need at mortuaries and autopsy rooms which are the most neglected areas in terms of quality air, This is a major health hazard for surgeons, forensic experts and medical staff who come in regular contact with dead bodies, bad odour and other contaminants in air.

Mortuaries and autopsy rooms have an unpleasant odour from decaying dead bodies and embalming fluids such as formaldehyde, which has a pungent and irritating odour. The dead body odours and formaldehyde va pours from embalming fluids can result in unsafe working conditions.

The pungent and irritating odour is a source of discomfort for surgeons, forensic experts, and other staff engaged in handling corpse, postmortem examination, and research.

The working staff in the mortuary and autopsy room are highly prone to health risk as formaldehyde vapourizes at room temperature and converts into gas that gets inhaled and can cause headache, eye, nose, throat irritation, dermatitis, difficulty in breathing and much more.

Even in the refrigerated environment, decomposition of dead bodies continues, and leads to accumulation of odourous gases such as Thiol, Hydrogen Sulphide, Nitrogen Oxide, etc.

Airborne molecules of these gases spread throughout the mortuary complex and cause the foul smell.

The Problem:

Inhaling odourous gases can cause:

  • Respiratory and lung diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Headache
  • Eye, nose, throat infection
  • Dermatitis

The Bry-Air Solution

Bry-Air Odour Control System is ideal for removing toxic gases and eliminating odour from the air.

It purifies the air inside the mortuary and autopsy room through the process of adsorption and chemisorption, in which air is filtered and cleaned out when gaseous contaminants are neutralized while passing through chemical filter.

The cleaning of contaminated air occurs at the molecular level when a pollutant gas molecule reacts with the chemical present in the filter.

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Safeguarding sensitive equipment and test samples for accurate, timely and reliable test results

Diagnosing Instrument Failure

For correct diagnosis, a doctor relies on crucial and accurate diagnostic centre report. These diagnostic centres or medical imaging rooms rely heavily on latest technology based equipment such as ultrasound machines, X-ray systems, digital monitors, etc.

The imaging instruments are highly sensitive in nature and function well only at certain temperature and RH level. Any mismatch in the required temperature and RH level can cause equipment failure.

At high RH level, water molecules condense on the equipment surface and corrode the internal circuits, cause equipment breakdown, shortens life cycle of instruments, which can elevate the maintenance cost. A corroded and faulty equipment can generate false test results.

Investigating Sample Contamination

Contamination of test sample is another factor, as collection materials are vulnerable to damage from moisture. Collection materials require optimum temperature and humidity level during sample collection, processing, transportation and storage. High humidity can increase microbial growth and may interrupt in analysis.

Bry-Air Dehumidifier

can help you in maintaining RH levels to prevent electronic corrosion and sample contamination.

The easiest way of achieving desired environment conditions required in analytical instrument rooms is use of dehumidification in conjunction with air-conditioning equipment.

Dehumidification not only lowers the relative humidity at the diagnostic labs and it also reduces the equipment failure and sample contamination.

Uncontrolled humidity causes:

  • Inaccurate readings
  • Reduced life cycle of expensive equipment
  • Recurrent breakdown
  • Frequent calibration
  • Electronic corrosion
  • Microbial growth

Industry Recommendations

General recommendations for Diagnostic labs are:

  • Temperature 20-25°C
  • Relative Humidity 40-50%

Benefits of installing Bry-Air Dehumidifier are:

  • Reduced equipment corrosion
  • Increased life cycle of expensive equipment
  • Reduced micro-organism growth
  • Accurate readings and results

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Bry-Air Provides Humidity Control Solutions for …

Cracker & Wafer Packaging

Snack Foods like potato wafers, corn chips, noodles etc. absorb moisture from the surrounding air during processing and become soggy. Presence of moisture also results in frost formation and sweating in the cooling tunnel in the packaging equipment.

Jet Engine Storage

Jet engines are usually stored near airplane hangars at airports as standby for quick replacement These engines are very expensive and are usually needed in emergencies, in case of engine failure. While in storage, they are damaged due to corrosion.
Ferrous material like iron and steel corrodes in presence of moisture and the electronic components also suffer from micro corrosion.

Parachute Drying

During storage, the base fabric of the parachutes tends to decay from mould and fungus due to moisture condensed on it.

Thereby deforming/damaging parachute membrane rendering the parachutes extremely unsafe Parachutes are normally wet after the jump because water vapour condenses on the fabric of the chutes. The damp fabric provides a breeding ground for fungus and mold growth.

Salami Sausages Storage

Meat is rapidly contaminated when it is ground for hamburger or sausage because the bacteria normally present on the outside of the meat (skin, nails, hair) move into the chopped meat where there are many air pockets and rich supply of moisture and proliferate.

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